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LED Lighting Supply / Commercial Light Poles / Poles By Project Type / Street Lighting Poles

Street Lighting Poles

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Showing 1–20 of 37 results

Street light poles are used to mount flood and area lights that illuminate residential and public roadways everywhere. You can find a street lighting pole lining a variety of street types, from quiet neighborhood avenues to being used as a highway light pole. They are typically constructed of steel, aluminum, or fiberglass and come in a range of heights, thicknesses, and diameters.

Steel light poles are strong and can withstand windy conditions.
Aluminum light poles are lightweight and can resist rust and corrosion.
Fiberglass light poles are also lightweight, durable, and easy to install.

How Much Do Street Light Poles Cost?

Pricing for street light poles for sale will depend on a combination of factors including which street light pole manufacturer you decide to go with. First, you must consider what material the pole is made of. Steel poles will not be as expensive as aluminum and fiberglass poles. Second, you must consider the height of the pole. Shorter poles will not be as expensive as taller poles. Lastly, some poles will be thicker/denser so that they can bear the weight of multiple mounted light fixtures which will cost more.

One other aspect of pole pricing will be the lighting application.

Residential street light poles will cost less than commercial street light poles. This is because commercial street light poles are typically taller and more durable than their residential counterparts. For example, a highway light pole will be more expensive than a light pole located on a residential side street. Conversely, a solar street light pole will cost efficiently the same as a light pole with hard-wired lights.

What Height is Best for Street Light Poles?

The height of a light pole will be dependent on several factors including:

The width of the area to be illuminated. This should be roughly equal to the height of the pole.

The amount of light required. You’ll need enough light so that drivers can safely see the road.

Pole height minimum should be 15 feet to prevent glare. A range of 25-50 feet is recommended. In some cases, a high mast pole of 50+ feet is required.

How Much Do Street Light Poles Weigh?

The weight of street light poles will depend on their style, material, thickness, and height. Steel light poles will weigh more than fiberglass or aluminum street light poles. Taller and thicker light poles of the same material will weigh more, of course.

What is the Ideal Distance Between Street Light Poles?

The distance between streetlight poles depends on several factors:

  • Taller poles can be placed further apart from each other because the light spread from the fixture will be wider. Fixtures mounted on taller poles will need to have a higher light output than ones mounted on shorter street lamp poles.
  • The width of the street will determine how the light poles will be spaced. Narrow streets will not require the same amount of lighting as wide streets. In general, the width of the street and the height of the poles will determine the proper spacing for light pole street applications.

If the distance between the poles is too far, there will be dark spots between the poles. If the distance between the poles is too close, there will be bright spots between the poles. In both cases, the lighting will be uneven and not uniform across the roadway.

As a rule of thumb, the spacing between the pole street lights should be 2.5 to 3 times their height. For example, if you are using 20-foot poles for your light fixtures, a 50- to 60-foot spacing between poles is recommended.

Another thing to consider is the arrangement of the light poles. This will be dependent on the width of the street. Here are a few general tips:

  • For streets that are over 65 feet wide, you’ll want to have the poles symmetrically arranged on both sides (across from each other).
  • For streets that are 51 to 65 feet wide, you’ll want to have the poles arranged and intertwined with each other (opposite or shifted) on both sides.
  • For streets that are 50 feet wide or less, you’ll want to have the poles arranged on one side.
  • For wider streets that have a divider in between lanes, you can place additional poles in the center with two fixtures mounted on each to illuminate both sides.