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LED Lighting Supply / Commercial Light Poles / Fiberglass Light Poles | Composite Light Poles
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Fiberglass Light Poles | Composite Light Poles

By LED Lighting Supply

  • Designed and certified for the highest quality performance
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Light Poles Products

Composite Light Poles, also known as fiberglass light poles, are a great option for LED lights and can be used for projects such as sports fields and horse arenas. Composite light poles are available in a variety of lengths. Composite / Fiberglass light poles conform to AASHTO and ANSI specifications. They are non-conductive, environmentally safe, inert, and non-toxic / non-leaching. All our composite fiberglass poles are coated in a fluoropolymer long-life coating.

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Showing 1–20 of 21 results

What are LED Lighting Supply Composite Light Poles?

Composite light poles are a synthetic man-made material engineered and manufactured for the purpose of holding LED Lights. The product is very strong and durable. Depending on the fiberglass light pole manufacturer, they can achieve the same structural strength as a Class 2 Wood pole.

Composite wood poles have many advantages including the following:

  • Lightweight: they are 20% the weight of steel and 40% that of treated timber making them easy to handle and install.
  • Strength: Extremely high strength-to-weight ratio
  • Stable: Composite poles are chemically inert
  • Environmentally stable: extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion
  • Longevity: does not rust or rot. Unlike wood, composite poles do not rot, warp, or require regular treatment for pests or weather resistance.
  • Safety: non-conductive
  • Installation: quick and easy
  • UV Resistant
  • Corrosion: composite poles do not corrode like steel, making them more durable in coastal or harsh weather areas.
  • Lower shipping charges: you can fit many more of these poles on a long bed truck, and it rarely requires heavy equipment to offload them.

What are the Different Types of Composite Light Poles LED Lighting Supply Sells?

How are Composite Light Poles Made?

Our composite light poles are made in a manufactured process under strict controls and quality guidelines. A combination of resin and fibers is molded together under extreme heat and pressure to form the basis of the pole. The poles are hollow and the main reason why they weigh significantly less than their wood, metal, and concrete counterparts. Yet they are incredibly strong and compete favorably against wood, concrete, and steel in terms of what they are able to handle and hold.

Where Can I Buy Composite Light Poles?

You can purchase from composite light pole suppliers like LED Lighting Supply. The poles and their associated light fixtures can be ordered with one of our pole specialists and then shipped directly to your project site.

How are Composite Light Poles Stress Rated?

Each pole is designated a class, which is an ANSI designation of strength and durability. Typically speaking, the lower the class number, the stronger the pole.