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LED Lighting Supply Blog’s written by Neil Peterson

LED Grow Lights Buyer Guide

LED Grow Lights Buyer Guide

Living in a space where there’s little to no light can be a struggle when it comes to growing indoor plants. Enter, LED grow lights. Indoor gardening enthusiasts often find themselves using this...

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The History of LED Lights

The History of LED Lights

These days, LED lighting can be found just about everywhere. The light-emitting diode (LED) is currently the most energy-efficient lighting technology available. It is one of the most rapidly...

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The Best Lighting Audit Software

The Best Lighting Audit Software

As a lighting industry expert, one of the best things that you can do for your customers is to demonstrate how energy-efficient lighting systems can help save on energy costs and provide an impact...

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Lighting Certifications Explained

Lighting Certifications Explained

Many certifications demonstrate key knowledge of the various facets of the lighting industry. They assure that a lighting professional is competent and proficient in their field of expertise. Having...

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Buyers Guide to Canopy Lighting

Buyers Guide to Canopy Lighting

Looking to convert your existing metal halide or high-pressure sodium lighting to LED? Are you unsure of whether the time or investment is worth it? We put together this comprehensive guide on some...

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Guide to Lighting in Airports

Guide to Lighting in Airports

A lit-up airport in the middle of the night is a sight to see, whether it brings a feeling of wanderlust or the dread of a red-eye flight. In technical terms, this lighting is referred to as airport...

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Highway Lighting Guide

Highway Lighting Guide

Lighting up the Road to Somewhere Highway lighting plays an important role in ensuring that the roadways are safe for drivers by ensuring that the streets are visible, even at night. Highway...

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