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LED Lighting Supply / Commercial Light Poles / Wood Light Poles / Page 4

Wood Light Poles

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Showing 61–71 of 71 results

What are Wood Light Poles?

Wood poles used for lights have been a vital component of America’s electrical and communication infrastructure for over a hundred years. This includes wood light poles and wooden street light poles.

There are roughly 150 million poles in place in the United States, and it’s safe to say that you will find them wherever you go.

These poles are made of particular types of pressure-treated wood that are meant to prevent damage from insects, rot, and harsh weather conditions. On average, treated wood poles have a service lifespan of 50-plus years.

Other pole materials, such as steel and concrete are available, and they have their benefits. But wood poles have certain advantages as well.

  • Wood is not a synthetic (man-made) material. It is grown naturally and is renewable.
  • Wood poles are inexpensive compared to steel and concrete poles. They are also quick and easy to install.
  • Wood poles do not require maintenance. This maintenance-free feature adds to the already low installation cost. All things considered (product price, installation costs, maintenance costs), wood comes out on top compared to the others.
  • Steel poles require painting and there are considerable corrosion issues with road salt and salt air.
  • Concrete is a strong material but is expensive and installation costs are high.
  • Steel and concrete poles require more components such as anchor bolts, wires, etc.
  • The proper wood pole solution can support high wind zones while steel and fiberglass poles are engineered with superior EPA ratings.

What Kind of Wood is Used in Light Poles?

There are three main types of wood used for lighting poles:

Southern Yellow Pine Light Poles

A species of pine trees found south of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Great Plains in the USA. Common species include loblolly, shortleaf, longleaf, and slash.

Southern Yellow Pine Characteristics

  • Strength, stiffness, and density
  • Effective in holding nails and other types of fasteners
  • The cellular structure makes it suitable for the pressure treatment process
  • Commonly used for utility poles due to its durability and strength
  • Nearly 85% of all pressure-treated wood in the U.S. is southern yellow pine

Ponderosa Pine Light Poles

Soft texture and light color distinguish it from southern yellow pine species. Ponderosa pine is the second most common pine species.

Ponderosa Pine Characteristics

  • Ponderosa Pine is predominantly found in Western regions of North America
  • One of the most common and versatile wood species used in North America
  • Strong with straight grain, poles tend to be relatively straight and durable

Douglas Fir Wood Poles

  • It is distinctive for its ability to keep stable. This includes when it is cut in an unseasoned condition.
  • It is known for its ability to bear enormous loads without bending or breaking under pressure. This makes it an ideal construction material for poles.

Western Red Cedar Wood Poles

  • It has a better-than-average resistance to decay and insect activity. This means that less money is spent on adding preservative chemicals to the wood and maintenance of the poles over time.
  • It is more expensive than other types of wood used for poles but saves money in the long run.

How are LED Lighting Supply's Treated Wooden Poles Made?

The process of making wood light poles begins by choosing the right trees for the job. This occurs while they’re still standing. They are judged by traits that affect their load-bearing abilities. These traits include straightness, length, and taper. Less than 10 percent of trees in a typical timber stand will have the acceptable traits to become a light pole.

These trees are then harvested and transported to a lumber yard and/or manufacturing facility.

After transport, the bark from the trees is removed. After that, the poles are shaped to make them as straight as possible. Each pole is examined, categorized, and given a class as specified in the ANSI standards. The attributes reviewed include the presence of decay, knots, grain orientation, and splits.

Next, the poles are carved, conditioned, or bored to prepare the wood to get a preservative. This preservative treatment forms a chemical barrier that shields wooden poles from threats, such as decay, fungi, insects, and mold. This allows them to stay in service for many years.

The preservatives are not just applied to the surface of the pole. They are infused deep into the wood to provide long-lasting protection. By doing this, the useful lifespan of a wood pole can be lengthened up to 70+ years.

Holes are bored on the pole to be used for hardware that will be added later. This will maintain the protective preservative coating by letting the treatment penetrate every opening. The poles are then ready for treatment.

Once the preservative process is completed, core samples are taken from the poles and analyzed to ensure that quality and durability standards are met.

Where Can I Buy Wood Light Poles?

When some people think about purchasing wood light poles, they imagine going to a lumber yard to do it because they are big and bulky.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can buy wooden light poles from an online supplier like LED Lighting Supply. The poles and their associated light fixtures can be ordered online on LED Lighting Supply and then shipped directly to your project site.

What are the Advantages of Using Wood Light Poles over Steel Light Poles or Concrete Light Poles?

There are several advantages of using wood light poles over other types:

  • The initial cost of wood poles is significantly less than that of steel due to commodity costs.
  • The installation of wood poles is much faster than steel or concrete.
  • The costs of installing wood poles are generally less thanks to the simplicity of direct burial.

How are Wood Light Poles Stress Rated?

Each pole is designated a class, which is an ANSI designation of strength and durability. Typically speaking, the lower the class number, the stronger the pole.

What are the Advantages of Using FRP Utility Poles over Steel, Concrete, or Composite Utility Poles?

Composite poles are ideal for coastal environments due to their corrosion and salt spray damage resistance

Unlike wood poles, composite poles are engineered to resist rot, rust, and fire

Their lightweight yet durable design eases installation over larger poles made of wood, steel, or concrete

Due to their superior strength and high EPA ratings, fiberglass poles equipped for high winds withstand extreme loads without damaging their structural integrity

The high performance and unique strength of composite utility poles establish a long-lasting service life of up to 50+ years