What are the Best LED Lights for Convenience Stores?
It’s hard to say one light is the best light for convenience stores as no one light meets all needs.
Indoors, a store that uses ceiling panels will need a different solution than one that uses surface-mount ceiling lights.
Outdoor shoebox lights are a good option to light up the parking light, and wall pack lights are a great option that mounts on the building to provide security lighting. Floodlighting mounted from poles or on the top of the building provides great security lighting as well.
Benefits of Using LED Lighting in a Convenience Store
- High-quality, bright LED light source
- energy savings with a lowered utility bill, savings of 50% or more
- lower lighting maintenance cost with no bulbs and ballasts to change
- wattage adjustable and color adjustable options so you can adjust the light for your needs
Do Lights in a Convenience Store Need to Be Food Safe?
No, but your health inspector will be able to answer this better since they are the ones who set the code in your area.
What are the Best Light Levels for a Convenience Store?
Brighter is better than dimmer. Indoors, you should try to achieve a foot candle reading of 20-50 foot candles. Outdoors, lighting up the parking area with 2 – 5 foot candles is ideal.
Do You Sell Refrigerator Lights?
We sell LED tubes that you can use inside refrigerator display units. And we also sell cold storage lighting.
Can I Use Fewer Fixtures and Get the Same Amount of Light?
Yes, but it depends on the space. We’d be happy to create a lighting plan and help determine if we can reduce fixtures in the space.
How Long Will New Fixtures Last Running 24 X 7?
They will last quite a long time. You should expect 5-7+ years of life.