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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing the Powerful 480W UFO High Bay Light Fixture

Unboxing the Powerful 480W UFO High Bay Light Fixture


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through an unboxing of our 480 Watt UFO High Bay and explains the key elements of this fixture.\n\nMLLG-LED-HB5-480-5-60 : https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/480-ufo-high-bay-light-76800-lumens-5000k-100-277v\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of UFO High Bays here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/ufo-led-high-bay\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply and today I'm going to talk about our brand new industrial grade HB5 480 Watt LED.\n\nIt puts up almost 77,000 lumens. It supports 100, 277, and will also support 480. There's also a 600 watt version, both in low voltage and high voltage, and we do stock the 480 Volt low voltage today. So right now I'm going to open up and just show you what you get when you open the unit. \n\nIt comes with your safety cords. You get two of them, your manual and then the fixture itself, and boy is it big. And just to give you a concept of size, here's the normal 200 Watt High Bay and here's a 480 Watt big industrial grade.\n\nIt has a glare reduction lens. Comes standard with a 60° optic for getting more that on the ground, we can custom order it with a 30 or any other size optic you need. Comes with a hook mount. It is dimmable whether or if you ever need to do that. It comes with a six-foot power cord. Just a very rugged fixture.\n\nThese are in stock in 40 Volt low voltage and again we can custom order high voltage or the 600 Watt version if you also need that. So give one of your lighting specialists a call today and we'll recommend the right solution for you.

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