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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing the Powerful 480W LED Stadium Light

Unboxing the Powerful 480W LED Stadium Light


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through the unboxing of the HM5-480 which is the 480-watt LED Stadium Light. Neil shares the special features and best uses for this fixture. \n\nTranscript:\n\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED lighting supply. Today I'm going to talk about our HM5 LED Stadium light, traditional round style. This is our new HM5 stadium fixture traditional style, round. Many people do like the round, these are used in football, soccer, some baseball applications a very specialized optic depending on the mounting height and the area to be covered, and the light level you want so we customize those to your specific application. It comes standard with a turning bracket, has dimming wires, and can support 1277 or 480 volts again it comes in a 480 watt uh 78,500 Lumen or a 600 watt 96,000 lumens you know if you have an application and this is the style you want we can run a lighting plan to recommend the number of lights that you require the specific wattage and the optic so give one of our lighting specialists a call today and they'll assist you in figuring out what's right for you have a great day.

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