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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing the Powerful 240W UFO High Bay Light: UFO Fixture Review

Unboxing the Powerful 240W UFO High Bay Light: UFO Fixture Review


In this video Dave Moore of LED Lighting Supply walks you through the unboxing of the HBHO-240 and all of the features of this high bay fixture.\n\nFeatured Product:\n240 Watt UFO High Bay (MLLG-LED-HBHO-240-5-120)\nhttps://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/240-watt-ufo-led-high-bay-light-40800-lumens-5000k\n\nTranscript:\n\nSo in this video we're going to be unboxing the HBHO 240. This is our industrial level of UFO High Bay this one is 190 lumens per watt, so about 45,000 lumens. So it's really great for those higher mounting heights and so let's open it up and I can show you what's in the box, what it comes with and then some of the sold separately accessories that we can add on if needed.\n\nSo here's the fixture out of the box. So the default optic is 120° which is good for the lower heights and then we can go down to 60° depending on how high you're mounting it so just you know our lighting specialist can recommend the right optic or if you know, you can let us know what you're thinking.\n\nAlso the center we have a spot a cap that comes off to add a motion sensor, we also do sell a dome for this as well if that's needed. And then on the back you can see we have dimming wires if you're looking to dim we also do have an eye hook standard and we can sell a pendant mount that mounts on the sides or a surface mount so there's lots of different options for this again great for warehouse lighting industrial lighting factory lighting.\n\nSo reach out to us we'll point you in the right direction and get you the right light for your application.

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