Unboxing the Powerful 200W UFO High Bay Light!
In this video, Dave Moore of LED Lighting Supply takes you through the unboxing of the HBC 200-watt UFO High Bay light and the unique elements of this fixture. \n\nMLLG-LED-HBC-200-[Color]-120: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/200-watt-ufo-led-high-bay-light-30000-lumens-5000k\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our UFO High Bay fixtures here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/ufo-led-high-bay\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nHi, I'm Dave with LED lighting supply today. In this video, we're going to be unboxing the HBC 200-watt UFO high bay. \n\nSo this is the HBC 200-watt. I've removed some of the packaging but it comes out-of-the-box with the I hook already installed.\n\nIt's white and we stuck both 4,000 thousand and 5,000K here in New Hampshire and it is 200-watt standard, but you are able to adjust it to either 150 or 100 Watt. And again this is with a 100 to 77 Volt input. Lumens per Watt. It's 150, it's 15,000 to 30,000 lumens and typically, we're mounting these between 18 and 35 feet. The frosted lens here is a little unique. Most of our fixtures have a polycarbonate lens, but the frosted one gives it a little more glare reduction. \n\nWe can also upgrade to different optics, like a 120° polycarb 90° or 60° so we can change that if needed. Eye hooks are the standard amount, but we also have a pendant mount and a surface mount that are sold separately. We do a lot of warehouses with these indoor sporting facilities, shops, and pole barns.\n\nIt's a 400-watt metal halide replacement, so if that's what you're swapping out, this is an ideal fixture listed with the current DLC, so it's eligible for lots of different rebates. It's IP65 rated, so if you do want to wash it down, that is completely fine. If you're interested in this product, please reach out to one of our lighting specialists.