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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing the Powerful 200W High Temp Fixture!

Unboxing the Powerful 200W High Temp Fixture!


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through an unboxing of the HT80 200-watt High Temperature light and the important features of this fixture.\n\nMLLG-LED-HT80-200-50-110: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/industrial-lighting/high-temperature-led/200-watt-high-temperature-light-26000-lumens-rated-to-176f-100v-277v\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of high temperature fixtures here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/industrial-lighting/high-temperature-led\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED lighting supply today, I'm going to show you our 80° C high Temperature High Bay flood in the 200 Watt model. So I'm going to the box and take it out for you today.\n\nSo this industrial grade fixture, again it supports up to 180° C operating temperature. Again, 200 Watt puts out 26,000 lumens, comes standard 100 to 277 Volt AC. You also can go 340-7480 Volt again, as you can see it's very rugged, comes with optics.\n\nStandard is we ship on this product 110, but there are other options that are built to order. Comes with a standard industrial-grade trunnion bracket that can be adjusted so it can be used as a flood or a high grade and it comes standard with an an eye hook so you can hang it.\n\nIt does not have dimming wires because of the high temperature. You have your power wire. Again a very rugged grade fixture. Again, this premium bracket adjusts as you need it. Again heavy-duty driver box. Again huge heat sink to to support the high temperatures. It comes with an installation packet I can tell you how to use it and connect it up. So, again, very high-end fixture, and if you have any requirements for high-temperature applications, give one of our salesmen a call and they'll help you determine the right fixture for you.

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