Unboxing the 200W Adjustable LED UFO High Bay Fixture Review
In this video, Dave Moore of LED Lighting Supply takes you through an unboxing of our 200 / 160 / 120 watt-adjustable LED UFO Fixture and explains the key elements of this light.\n\nMLLG-LED-HB4-200-CC-120: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/120-160-200-wattage-adjustable-led-ufo-high-bay-light-18000-to-30000-lumens-4000k-5000k-color-adjustable-100-277v-60-90-120-degree-adjustable-lens\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of UFO High-Bays here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/ufo-led-high-bay\n\nTranscript: \n\nHi, I'm Dave with LED Lighting Supply in this video, we're going to be unboxing the HB4 UFO LED High Bay.\n\nAll right, so this is the HB4, and it's really the most versatile fixture that we have in the UFO style and what I'll say is that the optics are adjustable and then the wattage and the color is also adjustable. You can adjust the color in the wattage there and then these little screws here, you can actually loosen up, change your optics from a narrow to a wider beam angle, and that's great during the installation process, if you think you need, if you're mounting at higher heights than anticipated. You can go narrow instead of wide. \n\nAlso, motion sensors can be bought separately and installed in the center. Here standard mounting is going to be the eye hook. We do also offer a pendant mount bracket as well.\n\nWattages it' 120, 160, and 200 watt and that's producing between 18,000 and 30,000 lumens. Typically we're mapping these at between 18 to 35 feet. Great for indoor sports facilities, and warehouses and we use these on factory floors as well. It's a 400 watt metal halide replacement. \n\nAdditionally, this is DLC eligible, so if you have rebates you want to apply for, you can use this fixture IP65 rated, so you're good to wash it down as well.\n\nIf you are interested in this unit, contact one of our lighting specialists and they can get you a quote or a lighting plan if needed as well.