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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing the 100W UFO High Bay Light Review

Unboxing the 100W UFO High Bay Light Review


In this video, Dave Moore of LED Lighting Supply takes you through an unboxing of the HB3 100 watt UFO High Bay light and the important features of this fixture.\n\nMLLG-LED-HB3-100-50-120: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/60-to-100-watt-power-adjustable-ufo-high-bay-light-8400-to-14000-lumens-5000k-100-277v\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of UFO high bay fixtures here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/ufo-led-high-bay\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nI'm Dave with LED lighting supply. In this video, we're unboxing the 100-watt HB3 UFO High Bay.\n\nSo here we have the fixture and again it's the the HB3, the 100 Watt, and it's actually Watt adjustable. It goes from 100 down to 60, so 180 and 60 watts. They come only in black for this 100-watt. \n\nOut of the box, you get an eye hook and the instruction manual. The eye hook is the default mounting that's going to screw in here. We also sell a pendant mount and we have a surface mount as well. There's also a Dome that comes as another add-on accessory mount here to provide a little less glare Another sold separately accessory would be the motion sensor which screws in here. It's going to be a by-level motion sensor.\n\nYou can come with the default settings or you can buy a remote to set up any kind of custom settings. The fixture itself, we use a lot of these in pole barns, garages, shops, and ceilings where the heights are usually between 18 to 15 feet. This is 150 lumens per Watt. So it's very efficient and it replaces 150 Watt and 250 Watt metal halides. It's IP65-rated. So if you're anywhere that's going to have moisture or you want to spray these things down with water to clean them off, that's totally fine. It's also DLC-rated, so it's eligible for lots of local and state rebates.\n\nIf you have any questions on this fixture, reach out to one of our lighting specialists. They'd be happy to recommend this or another fixture that may suit your application better.

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