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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Unboxing 600W UFO LED High Bay Light: High-Quality Lighting Solution!

Unboxing 600W UFO LED High Bay Light: High-Quality Lighting Solution!


There are lots of options available when it comes to 600 Watt LED High Bay Lights. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply unboxes one of our best selling 600 watt UFO high bay lights. This light fixture is designed to replace 1500 Watt Metal Halide High Bay Lights.\n\nView the HB-600: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights/600-watt-ufo-led-high-bay-light-96000-lumens-5000k-100v-277v\n\nView All High Bay Options: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-high-bay-lights\n\nHi, I’m Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply. Today I'm going to do an unboxing\nof our industrial grade 600 watt High Bay. It is very rugged, comes packed in a good box.\nIt's mainly designed to be used in your applications for replacing 1500-2000 watt High Bays.\nUsually you're looking at over 40 feet mounting up to 60-70 feet mounting height. It does have optics for the higher application. It's come with the safety cord comes with an eye hook mount.\nIt is dimmable. The standard unit is 100-277, but it also does come in 347-480 volt. Standard optics, very huge heatsink and in general, a very rugged fixture. You'll find these are used in big, large industrial facilities, dams in the indoor area. Utilities use these. The military use these, very high output.\n\nSo you really need to replace a 1500 if you want a lot of light this is the fixture. So give one of our lighting specialists a call today. They can run a lighting plan on your facility to determine how many fixtures are needed in the light level you'll get. So have a great day.

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