Ultimate Guide to Tennis Court Lighting Design: Brighten Your Game!
There are a lot of considerations when starting a tennis court lighting project. This video discusses the steps one should take in doing proper Tennis Court Lighting Design. Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through the basics to help you get started on a lighting upgrade or new construction design for tennis courts. \n\nAfter watching this video, you can request a free Tennis Court Lighting Layout here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/sports-lighting-design \n\nShop Tennis Court Lighting Here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-sports-lighting/tennis-court-lighting \n\nTranscript:\nHi I’m Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday I'm going to talk about tennis court lighting design and how important that is for your applications because the key is in tennis, you want a very uniform light level. As long as it's uniform, it doesn't matter if it's low level, mid-level or high level, the light will look fantastic.\n\nWhere you run into problems is where you got shadows. In some places it's low here, it's high here, then that's really a bad lighting design and you don't want that. These are example of typical fixtures. Usually, in a tennis court you have 4 to 6, 20 to 30 foot poles.\n\nYou know, the fixtures are usually mounted at 90 degrees that are pointing straight down.Then you use a special optic to throw the light out. So you're getting all the light on the tennis court. These are typical examples of a fixture we use. This happens to be our SBA to High-performance line, comes with a ten year warranty, 170 lumens per what, they come with all the different mounting options. Arms, slip fitter or, trunnion bracket and this small ones 100 or 150 watt, this is are 200 or 300 watt.\n\nAgain depending on what you have if you have existing fixtures, we usually can do a one for one if you need poles and fixtures will recommend where the poles should go, how high they should be, and the fixtures you need for them. But again, overall you can go to our website, you can see some of the tennis courts. We've done. Just our customers are very pleased with the light they've got from our lighting plans once they've installed the lights.\n\nWe also have other products, similar type products. Again, it really just depends on what your need is. You know, what you're looking to spend and we can always recommend the right solution for you in your application.\n\nSo give one of our lighting techs a call today and they'll work with you and understand what your requirements are and provide a full lighting plan and quote for you for your application.\n\nSo have a great day.Thanks.