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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Ultimate Guide to Parking Lot Lighting Design for Safety & Efficiency

Ultimate Guide to Parking Lot Lighting Design for Safety & Efficiency


There are a lot of considerations when starting a parking lot lighting project. This video discusses the steps one should take in doing proper Parking Lot Lighting Design. Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through the basics to help you get started on a lighting upgrade or new construction design for tennis courts. After watching this video, you can request a free Parking Lot Lighting Layout here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/parking-lot-lighting-plan \n\nShop Parking Lot Lighting Here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-parking-lot-lights \n\nTranscript:\nI am Neil Peterson with LED lighting supply.\n\nToday I’m going to talk about parking lot lighting design. Lighting design is very important when you are doing a parking lot. One, for safety standpoint, because it's a retail location, you want it brighter just so it makes your store storefront pop but overall safety becomes the main thing and you want pretty uniform, you know, in a standard business parking lot you really don't do a lot of like 1 to 2 foot candles is all you need when you move into a retail location, you want to get north of 10 foot candles, if possible. In car dealerships, you even want more because again you want the facility to pop. These specific parking lot fixtures are our SBHO2 high-performance line that comes in a 100, 150, and a 200 & 300 watt.\n\nThey come with your standard bracket options arm, slip fitter, or trunnion bracket depending on what you need. Also, there's a clip-in motion sensor option that can be used installed in the field. Or if you need photocell functionality, the fixture comes with what we call a photo cell kit, which includes the NEMA socket. You install at installation and you use your photo cell. What we stock is 100-277. These products are also available in 480. Those are built to order.\n\nWe also have a lot of other parking lot fixture lines where they're available in high voltage. They're also available with photocells. It really depends on what you need. Our goal be to fit the right solution to your requirements, the level of light that you need.\n\nSo give one of our lighting specialists a call today, they’ll determine with you what your requirements are, come back with a lighting plan fixture recommendation. It will help you get your project done.\n\nSo I’m Neil Peterson and have a great day. Thank you.

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