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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Ultimate Guide: Best Parking Lot Lighting Plan for Safety & Efficiency

Ultimate Guide: Best Parking Lot Lighting Plan for Safety & Efficiency


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply, shares his expert advice on the importance of having a lighting plan for your parking lot.\n\nYou can browse out catalog of parking lot lights here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/led-parking-lot-lights\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nHi I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply and today I'm going to talk about the importance of having a lighting plan done in your parking lot, parking lot whether it's retail, office, most important reason for light is for safety of your customers and your employees. What a lighting plan does is it'll be based on where your polls are, the number of lights you want, the wage you currently have. We'll run a lighting plan to show you what the different light levels will be on your on your parking lot and a lot of times your cities or town is going to require a certain level of light so you give us that requirement before we run the lighting plan and we will make sure we select the right fixture and wattage in order to give you the light you need to to meet any local requirements. We can support 100-277 all the way up to 480 volt powered products we can do photo cells we can do motion sensors all based on what you need and brackets range from yolk arm to slip fitter so give one of our lighting Specialists a call today or fill out a form on our website and they'll get back to you to make sure you pick the right solution uh for your your uh parking lot light and that and that the lighting plan will show you that so have a great day and we look forward to talking to you.

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