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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Top Outdoor Horse Arena Lighting Solutions for Optimal Visibility

Top Outdoor Horse Arena Lighting Solutions for Optimal Visibility


There are lots of options available for Outdoor Horse Arena Lighting. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the most common options to help you to choose the right Outdoor LED Horse Arena Lighting for your facility.\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of Outdoor Horse Arena Lighting here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-sports-lighting/horse-arena-lighting\n\nTranscript:\nHi. I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday I'm going to talk about lighting horse arenas.\n\nThese can be private owners or they can be commercial horse arenas, it really doesn't matter.\n\nIt all gets back to how much light you want in the place, how big it is, how tall are your poles, how many you have.\n\nIf you don't have poles, we can also recommend the height of those and produce the lighting plan for you.\n\nWhat we found to be the best options for lighting a horse arena.\n\nWe do have a standard, what we'll call area flood, also known as a parking lot fixture and it has special optics.\n\nSo we have lots of different wattages so we will sometimes use this, especially if your poles are low or you need to be dark sky compliant, which means your lights need to point straight down, in many cases, we'll use this.\n\nThe fixture we use most of the time in our lighting plan for horse arenas is our IMF modular flood light.\n\nAs you can see, it comes in a 200 watt version, a 400 watt version, and actually goes up in increments all the way to a 1200 watts, which you do not need for a horse arena. We usually find these are the two best options.\n\nThey have a standard trunnion yoke mount, to go on something flat or they also can come with a slip fitter pipe adapter to go on your bullhorn mount really depending on what you need.\n\nWe usually find that in a horse arena depending on the level of play you want anywhere from four or five foot candles to maybe 20 or 25.\n\nIf you have a commercial location, we can easily get that higher level.\n\nIf you have a 200 by 100 arena, we would normally put three poles, four poles on each 200 side and these are two or three fixtures and you can get some fantastic light, but we will produce a lighting plan that tells you exactly what you're going to get.

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