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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Top Commercial Flood Lights Reviewed by Experts: Best Picks!

Top Commercial Flood Lights Reviewed by Experts: Best Picks!


There are lots of options available for Commercial LED Flood Lights. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the most common options to help you to choose the right LED Flood Lights for your business.\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of Commercial LED Flood Lights and Industrial Flood Lights here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-outdoor-lights/led-flood-lights\n\nTranscript:\nHi, this is Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday, I'm going to talk to you about our standard floodlight offerings and here's an example of some of them. \n\nThe first group is what we call our spot light or low end flood, usually the lower wattages mentioned spotlight.\n\nSo this is a bullet flood, this is a flood we have lots of different versions of this, ranging from, you know, 20 watt up to 100 watt.\n\nAnd they traditionally come with a trunnion yoke bracket on it.\n\nBut many of them can also come with what we call a knuckle mount bracket to allow it to be adjusted and go on a pole.\n\nOur more traditional floods that you see on our website.\n\nIt can range from anywhere from 50 watts up to 310 watts depending on what you need.\n\nThey all do come with what's called the trunnion yoke bracket and have nice optics on them and traditionally a floodlight is doing 120 degrees spread out when they shine and they can be angled to point up.\n\nAnd that is the same on the low end. \n\nThe spot it does a 30 to 60 degree optic.\n\nOn the high end, we have a line of fixtures that range all the way from 200 watt up to twelve hundred watt And they're really designed for a real perimeter field lighting such as football or baseball fields, port lighting and other types of applications.\n\nThey're very rugged. \n\nThere's an option for a visor. \n\nThere's also what we call a pipe mount adapter that attaches to the trunnion bracket on the fixture.\nThey are very high end, the optics on this range from 15, 30, 45 and 60 degree optic.\n\nIf you notice, they are two hundred watt increments on the unit.\n\nThe 600 watt would have three heads. The 800 watt has four heads, two by two and the 1200 watt has six heads, three by three.\n\nIn the case of this multi-headed fixture, they can be pointed and directed in different directions for the maximum.\n\nIn the case of this multi-head fixture, they can be pointed and directed in different directions for the maximum light coverage that you need.\n\nThese are all sort of full range.\n\nWe have a lot of others. \n\nIf you have a requirement, contact us and we can evaluate your requirements to select the proper fixture for your project.

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