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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Top 500W LED Flood Light Replacements: Expert Picks & Reviews

Top 500W LED Flood Light Replacements: Expert Picks & Reviews


There are lots of options available when it comes to 500 Watt Equivalent LED Flood Lights. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the options available with LED Lighting Supply's family of High Power LED Flood Lights that are designed to replace 1500 Watt Metal Halide Flood Lights\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of LED Flood Lights here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-outdoor-lights/led-flood-lights\n\nTranscript:\nToday, I'm going to talk about LED flood light replacements for a 500 watt metal halide and also a 750 watt metal halide replacement.\n\nThis is our IMF industrial modular flood light.\n\nFor your 500 watt upgrade, our 200 watt at 26,000 lumens will kill it all day long.\n\nIt may even take care of the 750 watt depending on how long you've had it.\n\nBut for the 750s we do have our 400 watt version that puts out 52,000 lumens. It will give you a lot more light than you currently have.\n\nThey can come in 100 to 277 volt. They're also available in 480 volt.\n\nWe stock the 100 to 277, there is a visor available, there's a pole mount and trunnion adapter that's also available.\n\nThey are great for lighting up fields and other industrial applications where you want to get a lot of light out in an area, whether it's a work area or a play area.

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