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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Top 150 & 175W Metal Halide Wall Pack LED Upgrades for Your Business

Top 150 & 175W Metal Halide Wall Pack LED Upgrades for Your Business


There are lots of options available for 150 and 175 Watt Metal Halide Wall Pack LED Replacements.\n\nIn this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the most common options to help you to choose the right 150 and 175 Watt Metal Halide Wall Pack LED Replacements for your business.\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of 150 and 175 Watt Metal Halide Wall Pack LED Replacements here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-outdoor-lights/led-wall-pack\n\nTranscript:\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply. Today I'm going to talk about upgrading 150 watt to 175 watt wall packs with LEDs. We have two approaches. One is a retrofit. The other is a new fixture from a retrofit standpoint.\n\nWe can retrofit any wall pack from a 150 watt up to a 400 watt. The retrofit kit mounts inside the fixture, and it will give you more light than you have now in most cases. As far as new fixtures, I'll show a wall pack flood and a semi cut off.\n\nWe also have door wall packs and full cutoff wall packs. But to replace a 150 to 175 watt metal halide wall pack, we probably use our forty five watt wall pack flood and our 40 watt semi cutoff wall pack they all come in 5000K they all have the ability to take a button photocell industry standard button photocell, which you can also get from us. So if you have the requirement to upgrade some of your wall packs please give us a call and we'll help you get the right solution. Thank you.

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