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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / The Expert Guide to Lighting Plans for Hazardous Locations with Neil Peterson

The Expert Guide to Lighting Plans for Hazardous Locations with Neil Peterson


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply, talks about the importance of having the correct lighting plan for your hazardous location to ensure safety for all those present.\n\nTo learn more about hazardous location lighting plans, follow this link to our website and get your custom lighting plan done today: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/photometric-plan/hazardous-area-lighting-design\n\n\nTranscript:\n\nHi I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply , today I'm going to talk about the importance of a having a lighting plan done for your hazardous location lighting. Hazardous locations are usually have explosive require explosion proof fixtures that can be C1D1 which is where gas or explosive liquids are present all the time or C1D2 or explosive gas or liquids can be present by accident. \n\nWhy is a lighting plan important? Well, safety is your number one consideration at those locations and the right light level is why is very important for worker safety and doing a lighting plan will tell you how much light you will get in an area based on specific fixture count,\n\nSo if you were to contact one of our Lighting Specialists or you can fill out a ticket on our website it asks you certain information about the space we will then go and run a lighting plan with that and recommend what the right fixture and the right light level for your space and you can be assured of worker safety and that lighting will not be an issue. So please give us a call today and we'll help you figure out your hazardous lighting requirements by running a lighting plan. Thank You.

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