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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Lighting Fixtures for Parking Garages: Expert Advice with Neil Peterson

Lighting Fixtures for Parking Garages: Expert Advice with Neil Peterson


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply shares our collection of lighting fixtures for parking garages. To view the full collection of parking garage lights, you can view them on our website here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/commercial-lighting/parking-garage-lighting\n\n\nTranscript:\nHi I'm Neil Peterson and today I'm back to speak to you about garage indoor garage parking lighting, you know with parking garage the probably the most important thing is you're doing this for for security and safety of people that use the garage. So it's very important that you have a uniform light throughout the parking garage.\n\nThe real problem with parking garage is though the ceilings are usually pretty low usually you don't see them much above 10 ft if you're lucky 12 ft so the important thing for a fixture indoor is you're picking one that has a wide beam angle. So here's a nice example of a traditional round or square canopy that we use it surface mounts on the ceiling you get a little bit up light so up light creates a in a u kind of a more uh lit lit effect even though it's really not doing anything and this fixture does about 150° either way so you know at a low mounting height you know a fixture every 10 to 15 20 ft will give you a nice uniform coverage.\n\nAnd a fixture like this is it's wattage changeable. There are four wattage settings anywhere from like 30 watt up to 100 watt so again you can fine-tune the the light level to your requirements you know for that indoor there's also additional options this just has to be an 8T fixture vapor type fixture but it also comes in 4 foot so this could run up and down beams in different ways. And again it also has a widespread, all these products that also come with EMS 'cause usually in a parking garage power goes out out you want the points of egress which are mainly your exits your elevators for the light to come back on at some level so again all these fixtures can also come with an em but again lighting for a parking garage is really all about safety you know of the people that are using the garage um from an outdoor standpoint you also have the issue of needing light for people to see the parking garage so again a wall pack is a nice option uh this is a wall pack flood but there's semi cut offs and full C offs really depending on what your local ordinance requires for you.\n\n And lastly and I don't have one here but for your roof a lot of times you have open roofs where you're going to install holes which you can supply and then also a a a normal shoe box parking lot light which we also offer but again in all cases we can run our lighting plan on your entire facility again showing you where the fixture should be mounted or you telling us where they need to be and we showing you the light levels you get depending on the fixtures we use and then we can also do again in the indoor parking garage we can do on the roof and we can also do outdoor. \n\nSo again give us a call today we'll we'll we'll talk with you figure out what you're looking to achieve and then we'll we'll present to you some alternatives and and options for you to consider so again give us a call today on your parking lot garage or parking your your garage parking lighting and we'll we'll help you out, so have a great day.

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