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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Factory Lighting Design Tips: Expert Insights You Must Know

Factory Lighting Design Tips: Expert Insights You Must Know


There is a lot to consider when starting a factory lighting project. This video discusses the steps one should take in Factory Lighting Design. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the most common processes to help you to start a lighting upgrade for Factories.\n\nAfter watching this video, you can request a (Free) Factory Lighting Design here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/factory-lighting-design\n\nTranscript:\nHi. I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday I'm going to talk about factory design.\n\nReally the figuring out the type of lights, the amount of light you need for your space.\n\nThe important things we need to know to determine that is the size of your space length, width, height.\n\nIf you have existing fixtures there, how many, what wattage, how many rows and columns?\n\nWhat are you doing in the space?\n\nYou know what the operating temperatures are.\n\nYou get real high temperatures because that will potentially limit the fixtures we can use.\n\nAnd just in general, whether you want improvements in your lighting or you're very satisfied with your lighting.\n\nWe'll then take that, put that into a lighting plan, and that lighting plan \nwill tell you how many lights, what the light level is you'll have.\n\nAnd then we quote you those fixtures.\n\nWe usually strive to recommend fixtures that are in stock.\n\nBut if you do have some special requirements, we will also recommend\nsome of our more custom higher end options if that fits your requirement better and in many cases will give you several options, you know, just so that you have some choices.\n\nSo give us a call today.\n\nWe can help you with your factory lighting design and we'll get you going as soon as we can.\n\nHave a great day.

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