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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Expert Review: Top LED Tennis Court Lighting Solutions

Expert Review: Top LED Tennis Court Lighting Solutions


In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the most common LED Lighting options to help you to choose the right Lights for a tennis court.\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our line of tennis court lights:\nhttps://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-sports-lighting/tennis-court-lighting\n\nTranscript:\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday, I'm going to talk about tennis court lighting.\n\nI mean, LEDs are a great choice to upgrade your current lighting that you have on your tennis courts.\n\nLots of energy savings, better quality light, better visibility also, and much longer lasting.\n\nNo, ballast or bulbs going out on you.\n\nWhen it comes to your tennis court lighting, the main things that come into play is; how many poles you have, how tall they are how many fixtures for pole, what wattage do you currently have?\n\nBut traditionally, you either have a 400 watt or 1000 watt metal halide.\n\nUsually have two, four or six poles per court.\n\nOne or two fixtures.\n\nThis is a thousand watt replacement.\n\nYou get great light, traditionally these are mounted to, dark sky, shining down.\n\nThe light throws forward in many cases with a 25, 30 foot pole, you can get close to 30 foot candles on your tennis court.\n\nThis is our 150 watt version, same thing.\n\nIf you're replacing a 400 either option will give you more light than you have.\n\nAnd then we have our floodlight, this can come with a visor case you need dark sky.\n\nComes with a pipe mount out on it. \n\nThis thing provides incredible light with the optics options that come with it.\n\nSo there's lots of options.\n\nSo if you give one of our LED lighting techs call, describe what you have\nwhat type of light you're looking for, and they can help you pick the right solution to provide you a great solution.\n\nSo give us a call today. Have a great day.

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