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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Videos / Expert Guide: Top 1500W LED Flood Light Replacements

Expert Guide: Top 1500W LED Flood Light Replacements


There are lots of options available when it comes to 1500 Watt Equivalent LED Flood Lights. In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through some of the options available with LED Lighting Supply's family of High Power LED Flood Lights that are designed to replace 1500 Watt Metal Halide Flood Lights\n\nAfter watching this video, you can browse our full line of LED Flood Lights here: https://www.ledlightingsupply.com/led-outdoor-lights/led-flood-lights/1500-watt-hid-flood-light-led-equivalent\n\nTranscript:\nHi. I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply.\n\nToday we're talking about 1500 watt equivalent LED flood lights.\n\nIt's usually an application you find for stadiums for really large outdoor hundred foot poles.\n\nA lot of industrial companies have these big work areas outside or industrial areas where they need great lighting.\n\nWe do this for a lot of similar companies, railway railroad yards, any type of application like that.\n\nThis is our industrial module flood, we call it our IMF.\n\nIt comes in a 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1200 watt. For the 1500 watt replacement we highly recommend our 600 watt IMF flood.\n\nIt puts out around 92,000 lumens and comes with a number of different optic packages.\n\nAgain, to get the light where you want it.\n\nYou have a visor option if you really have some dark sky needs and you need to use this you can use three visors on the fixture to get rid of any glare or up light.\n\nIt comes in a 100 to 277 volt option.\n\nYou also have a high voltage option for your high voltage applications.\n\nAnd we also have a pipe mount and trunnion mount adapter available for the fixture that can be used up to the 600 watt unit.\n\nThese are great, very rugged fixtures.\n\nThey're going to provide years of applications.\n\nWe do a lot of lighting plans with these fixtures.\n\nAnd they just put on an incredible light.

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