Expert Guide: How to Choose the Best Stadium Lights for Your Project
In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply takes you through three different stadium light options and shares his expert analysis of which fixtures are best for specific projects. This video highlights the HM5-480, the HPSL-400, and the IMF-200. \n\n\nTranscript:\nHi, I'm Neil Peterson with LED Lighting Supply. Today I'm going to talk about Stadium lighting and the important things, the types of fixtures, you know, what you want to make sure you do and don't do, this is just a variety of different fixtures is our, we've been selling this for quite a long time now. Great in baseball fields, football fields, and soccer fields, to really provide great lighting for up-to-school lighting. We have a much higher end stadium option that now goes up to 1200 watts and starts at 400. Again, for very high mounting heights and really where you need very uniform light on fields um and then we also have the traditional style round type as you can see these are smaller and put out just as much light so but we have many customers that just want the traditional round fixture. These all come in low voltage and high voltage and they all have dimming wires, they all have custom optics, we use and optics really tells you what the beam spread is or coverage that comes out of the fixture. We highly recommend if you have a sports field that you do get a lighting plan even if you have existing fixtures uh usually we do replace a one for one replacement but we can pick the right wattage and the right type of fixture in the optic by running a lighting plan to show you the light levels you're going to get on your field and so again a very comprehensive product line. We do a lot of these installations and so I do if you do have a field lighting requirement please give us a call or come to our website and whenever our lighting specialist will help you determine the right solution for you have a great day.