Discover Our New C1D2 LED Lighting Fixtures with Expert Neil Peterson – 3X The Life Rated Hours!
In this video, Neil Peterson of LED Lighting Supply shares an overview of the high quality C1D2 lighting fixtures we offer and the benefits and unique qualities of each fixture. \n\nFeatured Products:\n240 Watt 2 Foot LED Explosion Proof Flood Light: LLS-EXPLFL-240\n50 Watt 2 Foot Explosion Proof Linear LED Light: LLS-EXPLH-2-50-5-C1D2\n100/150/240 Watt Round Explosion Proof LED Light: LLS-EXPLB-240\n\n\nTranscript: \n\nHi I'm Neil Peterson, today I'm going to talk about our new LED Lighting Supply high performance C1D2 product offerings that we've added to our explosion proof family of products. These are, as I repeat, they're high performance. The biggest difference you're going to find between our existing products is the L70 on these products is 150,000 hours versus 50,000 hours. \n\nOn our current products within our family there really two models in the C1D2 line one is a flood light; 240 watt, does almost 34,000 lumens, comes standing with a trunnion bracket, in and out from a power standpoint and then trunnion bracket there is a slip fitter adaptor that's available for it. 277 we stock it here in the USA. \n\nWe have our linear new C1D2 linear option this is a 50 watt unit come standing with a pendant and trunnion bracket option. There's also a 100 watt version that's a a 4ft fixture again very high performance this specific product puts out 160 looms per watt so you get with the 50 watt 8,000 and with the 100 watt you get 16,000 lumens it so great performing product. \n\nThen lastly our workhorse product, this is our EXPLB LED Lighting Supply version comes in a 100, 240, and 150 W version. Very solid, very rugged. Again a 150,000 hour life, comes standard with a pendant bracket and a trunnion. Optionally, also available is a wall mount bracket and a surface mount bracket for this product. So again, very robust will be ideal for for your C1D2 applications. \n\nWe stock these products here also all these new ones are stocked here in the USA and are available to be order today so give one of our lighting Specialists a call they'll work with you recommend the right C1 D2 solution and uh we'll uh we'll make you happy so have a great day and we'll talk to you later.