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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Calculators / Power Conversion Calculator

Power Conversion Calculator

This electric power conversion calculator will convert one unit of power to another. It will help quantify everyday power measurements for commercial and industrial projects.

How to use this calculator:

Choose one power unit and enter it into the power unit conversion calculator. The other units of power will automatically be converted for you.

Power Unit measurements:

Watt (W):

A watt is a unit of power that measures the rate of energy transferred over time. Watts are referred to as the amount of energy required to operate an appliance, while volt-amperes measure electricity potential.

Kilowatt (kW):

Kilowatt (kW) is an energy unit measurement that indicates the amount of power used.

Horsepower (hP):

Horsepower is a unit of measurement for power. It is equal to 745.7 Watts (W). Mechanic horsepower hp(M) refers is most commonly used to describe the power of engines and motors while electric horsepower hp(E) describes the power output from an electric motor.

British Thermal Unit (BTU):

British Thermal Unit (BTU) refers to the measurement of heat energy. It is used to determine the necessary amount of energy to increase temperatures. A BTU is commonly used when defining the power of an air conditioning system.