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LED Lighting Supply / Resources / Calculators / Foot Candles to Lux Conversion Calculator

Foot Candles to Lux Conversion Calculator



Foot Candle to Lux Conversion Chart

Footcandles (fc) Lux (lx)
1 fc 10.76 lx
5 fc 53.82 lx
10 fc 107.64 lx
20 fc 215.28 lx
30 fc 322.92 lx
40 fc 430.56 lx
50 fc 538.20 lx
75 fc 807.30 lx
100 fc 1076.40 lx
150 fc 1614.60 lx
200 fc 2152.80 lx
300 fc 3229.20 lx
500 fc 5382.00 lx
1000 fc 10764.00 lx

Convert lux to foot candles (fc) and foot candles to lux (lx) with our conversion tool. Lux and foot candles are common quantifying measurements that determine light intensity, an important consideration to ensure appropriate lighting levels and fixture counts for ample light coverage in your space.

LED Lighting Supply's conversion tool will convert lux (lx) to foot candle (fc) quickly and easily, saving you time to continue focusing on your project. Appropriate lighting levels in your commercial, industrial, or sports space will create an optimal work environment, prioritize worker safety, and mitigate the risk of potential hazards.

How to Convert Foot Candles to Lux with LED Lighting Supply's Conversion Calculator:

Option 1: fc to lx (Foot Candle to Lux)

Input foot candle to convert lux. Foot candles are a representation of the amount of light in one square foot. It is most commonly used in the United States.

Foot Candle to Lux Conversion Calculation:

1 square meter is equal to 10.76391 square feet. Divide the lux value by the square feet conversion factor to calculate fc.

Foot Candle to Lux Formula:

Use the formula below to convert foot candle to lux.

  • fc = lx/10.76391

Option 2: lx to fc (Lux to Foot Candle)

Input lux to convert foot candle. Lux is the representation of the amount of illuminance in one square meter. It is used worldwide. Both lux and foot candle represent the level of illumination received on a surface.

Lux to Foot Candle Conversion Calculation:

Multiply fc by 10.7631 to calculate lx.

Lux to Foot Candle Formula:

Use the formula below to convert lux to foot candle.

  • lx = fc X 10.76391.


The opposing measurement will be converted for you automatically as you enter one measurement.